Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Block Two, Discussion B (Spring 2014)

In what ways are technological assessment tools limited (as it relates to your unit) for the student? What about other education stakeholders (parents, administrators, community advocates, etc.)


  1. Technological assessment tools provide significant benefits to both students and education stakeholders. However, limits are associated with this aspect.

    Technological assessment tools are limited in regards to my fourth grade multiplication unit due to the time that must be spent for learning the tool, the limit of questions that can be asked, and students having varying levels of experience with computers. Technological assessment tools are limited in regards to other education stakeholders due to the requirement of the internet, computer literacy, the unreliability of computers or internet connection, and the limited number of computers in the classroom.

  2. Technological assessment tools are limited in terms of my first grade literacy class due to the amount of experience this age has in controlling the mouse, the ability to manipulate the drop-down boxes and to understand how and what those drop-down boxes are used for, and how to navigate websites with multiple pages. The technological assessment tools are limited for the education stakeholders because the classrooms will require enough computers for each child to have one so that testing can take place all at the same time. Another restriction would be the internet usage and would the school system have internet set up that would allow every child to test simultaneously?

  3. Limits to the use of technological assessment tools affect both the students and educational stakeholders such as teachers, parents, and administrators.

    Students are limited by their experience with using computers and the learning curve required for them to "get up to speed" in order to use the tech. assessment tool. Children have varied and different learning styles (Gardner, Multiple Intelligences) and just as some children learn better with hands on activities rather than abstraction, the use of tech assessments might add another level to learning styles that the student may or may not struggle with.

    As for the limitations of the educational stakeholders referenced above, the depth and breadth of the measurement tools that tech assessments may provide might not always suit the learning to be assessed. In the case of this assignment, I found little benefit to using this format for tech assessment with regard to questions where I would have preferred to have an more in-depth, written response. Reading responses to short essay questions was not made easier with the use of this particular assessment tool, for example. If a teacher wants to assess deep understanding and reasoning of the student there might be no substitute for reading and grading essay questions. In the case for a short quiz, however, this type of tech assessment tool can serve its purpose very well.

    A closing note on using tech assessment in MNPS is that the quantity and quality of tech tools such as computers, clickers, tablets, and reliable internet connectivity has been a problem in the schools that I have worked to date.

  4. For most 8th graders the Technological assessment tools are only limited by the teacher and student availability. Understanding of the technology does not fix the issue that if the school does not have the computer or the right instruction, a teacher will view them as an unviable option. Also, as far as religion goes, with this topic, it is important to hear the views of the students. If students do not want to answer, you have to find them another outlet like a discussion board or have them write only you a paragraph explaining their answer. Even with these other avenues, Religion only has a finite amount of questions you can ask without maybe offending someone. This is why I like to lead the instruction of my students in order to be able to quell any fires that might start based on bias.
    Parents should care what is offered at school that will help their children be more useful to society. Technology is one of those things if you learn how to use it and what to use it for it will only help you later on in life.
    Administrators should care that the online data is instant for the teacher and will allow him or her that knowledge on what to go back and reteach. This will in turn help the score on standardized tests, which in turn help the district look standout.
    Community should care what the future of the community should look like. Since computers are not going away they might as well help the school embrace them with funds.

  5. Technological assessment tools would be difficult for my first grade students to use. Understanding how a mouse, drop down menus and scroll bars work could be a difficult concept for young students to grasp. However I don't think it is impossible. Students today are much more technologically savy and I think the rate at which students are comfortable using a computer is just going to increase. Over the next 5-10 years I don't think it is all that farfetched to believe that first grade students would be able to take assessments on the computer if given the proper instruction and assistance. My subject area is 1st grade social studies and I think technology can be a very useful tool when teaching this unit. With the right instruction, supervision and a program geared toward young students I think using technology could be doable.
    Using technological assessment tools can pose some issues for stakeholders as well because they need to be familiar and literate with the technology in order to help the students. Especially in a case like mine where students are so young and will require a lot of help. There also needs to be enough computers or tablets in the classroom for each child to be able to complete the task as well as a good quality internet connection. Without being able to ensure the equipment is available and a good connection there is no point to even attempt to start implementing these assessment tools.

  6. Katrice Heyward DonaldsonMarch 25, 2014 at 9:08 AM

    Many technology assessment tools such as google + hangout and Google Apps, computers, and I pads to name a few, would serve as a great benefit in regards to diagnosing and effectively evaluating the academic progression of students. One limitation for 3 graders, however, is understanding the importance of the technology tools and proper maintenance. They have not fully matured in their mind frame which may sometimes result in broken technology. At this age, as it pertains to literacy, many are able to understand the concepts and be able to navigate the sites and utilize the tools, however, the pace at which the students learn the new skills will differ, causing time to also be a limitation. Teachers would also need to be equipped with the knowledge of using the new technology, thus being able to teach students how to operate it as well.
    Stakeholders such as parents, administrators and community advocates want students to have the best available options in regards to technology assessment tools, however, as with most technology cost is a factor. The availability of funds may not match the want. Time is also a limitation because integrating new technology into any lifestyle may take away from other content that is required to be taught to meet the newly implemented Common Core Standards.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. With the development of this era has become a lot of the students knew how to use technology such as computers and iPad. For 6th graders the Technological assessment tools are only limited by the teacher and student availability. Understanding of the technology does not fix the issue that if the school does not have the computer or the right instruction, a teacher will view them as an unviable option.

    Since the time I have been in school, 16 or so years, many things have changed in school, including our dependence on technology. There is more emphasis put on justification. Students are being asked to see the big picture. For example, graphing quadratic equations is something that took a lot of time and required a lot of work to understand what happens when parameters are changed. Now the bigger picture is making connections between graphing, linear functions, quadratic functions, absolute value functions, exponential functions, etc.

    Students have little motivation many days and even less patients to deal with anything that appears to be too difficult in math. Many live in homes where there is little technology or are limited from technology because of a lack of internet access.

    About other education stakeholders (parents, administrators, community advocates, etc.)

    -Support technology implementation and the professional development it requires.
    -Participate on technology-planning teams provide perspectives on real-world needs.
    -Join in fundraising and lobbying efforts. Help identify potential sources of technology funding.
    -Suggest possible collaborations, such as with a local university or business, and provide contacts to help the school develop them.
    -Volunteer time to allow teachers to engage in professional development activities.

  9. There is a common generalization that students are ‘tech-savvy’. So at grade 7, students are expected to have a certain standard of knowledge in technology. I believe this knowledge depends on the student’s cultural, social, economic, and academic background. Therefore in grade 7 algebra, as teachers introduce graphing calculators to solve systems of equations, the precursor knowledge may limit the ability of the student to use this technology.
    Other factors that may limit technology assessment tools for students in Algebra may in include lack of in-time technical support, limited teacher knowledge of technology, and outdated or lack of technological equipment like the TI calculators and computer programmers.

    The main limitation for education stakeholders maybe finances. For instance, the price of 1 TI84 calculator is 170 plus tax. In a high school of 1000 students, the institution will need 170, 000 plus tax just on calculators for math classes; and that’s the only thing we need…

  10. Technological assessment tools have a lot of benefits for students and educators but it also has some limitations.
    The limitations of using technological assessment tools for fifth grade students are: the differences levels of students experience in using technology, some students using technology easier and faster than others because some of them has limited experience in using technology. Another limitation is, using technology for fifth grade students need more time to be spent in learning and understanding these tools.

    Technological assessment tools also have some limitations for other education stakeholders (parents, administrators, community advocates, etc.). The need of enough availability of computers and other technological tools in classrooms for each student, the availability of the Internet, and the education stakeholders need to be aware of how to use technology to help students in need.

  11. Technological assessment tools are limited with regards to my 6th grade Energy Unit for various reasons. First, given this is a 6th grade class, not all students will own a mobile device and or computer; therefore, I will not be able to require the use of technology or certain tools such as Polls Everywhere. This type of technology assessment would be limit due to the students’ age group.

    Next, I feel technological assessment tools such as Paper Rater would not help me gauge if students mastered material. This type of application only allows me to rate the students’ writing ability and not content. Another limitation of technology assessment tools includes the fact schools may not have access to equipment in classrooms in order to integrate these tools.

    Lastly, students’ lack of experience with technology could also be a limitation in my classroom. If the students have not been exposed to educational technology in previous grades, this experience may not be as fluid for students to engage as well as follow the lesson. I may need to take more time to introduce the technology which can take away from instruction of curriculum.



  12. Technology can be used for assessment purposes, but there are some limits with this aspect for both the students and educational stakeholders such as teachers, parents, and administrators.
    Technological assessment tools are limited in terms of my 4th grade cells due to time to understand the tools, and students’ abilities with using computers. Also, this 4th grade need to ask a lot of questions and help, so in this situation the time and assistance to answer and direct students can be one of the important limits.
    Technological assessment tools can be an issue for teachers, parents, and administrators as well as for students because of poor internet connection, limited numbers of computers, and limited knowledge of technology. Teachers, parents, and stakeholders would need to be equipped with the knowledge of using technology to avoid wasting time and being able to help students when they need. Other factor in my unit Cells that may limit technology assessment tool for education stakeholders is lack of technological equipment. For example, microscopes is expensive, so finance can be a significant limitations.

  13. Answering short essay questions may be a factor that limits students when using technological assessment tools. Children in the 5th grade are usually in the beginning stages of practicing typing skills, so compounding limited typing skills to producing an adequate essay, under time constraints, may not be the best option for them.
    If schools are moving toward exclusively using technological assessment tools, then preparing all students K thru 12th grade with proper computer literacy and typing skills will be a necessity. Staffing schools with proper personnel to teach these skills to children and equipping all schools with a functioning computer lab may also serve as limiting factors for education stakeholders such as parents, community organizers, and administrators.

  14. A projected outcome from the No Child Left Behind Act was to assist every student cross the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes the 8th grade. The necessity for 21st century learners to be technologically polished maintains a high priority through legislation and continues to be a talking point in the educational sector. However, just as creating a universal curriculum proved to be difficult, educational technology specialist are realizing that there is no ‘one size fit all’ approach to infusing technology into an everyday classroom environment.
    Furthermore, limitations due to lack of student mastery of technological mediums, will create barriers when using technological assessment tools. If foundational technology skills like accurate usage of the mouse and precise navigation around common interfaces are concrete, then the assessment tools will just reinforce the student’s skill level. However, when using Discovery Education Assessment, a concern should not be if the students will know how to complete an online based test more than measuring the students’ academic growth. More disadvantages of technological assessment tools are system compatibilities, sluggish loading speeds, unclear navigation, fees for software/tools, as well as contractual commitment from the school.
    For 5th grade math students, technological assessment tools are limited by teacher and student access. Learning a unit on fractions, which relies on compounding knowledge, software applications that consistently work towards measurable progress will be beneficial. However, professionals must stay abreast of current technological tools available and also understand how to integrate devices/assessments into units. By the 5th grade, students should have a good grasp of navigating a computer interface, showing technological literacy. Education stakeholders ought to welcome the use of technological assessment tools, as electronic files are easier to maintain and aids in a healthy environment. Administrators and community members must show a level of selectivity when deciding which tools will work best with their body of students and the cost associated with those tools.
    In closing, the technological materials used to assess student progress should organically test not only the subject/technology learned, but whether they can use the technology to absorb and improve.

  15. Utilizing technology as an assessment tool is a particularly good aid for teachers battling plagiarism. The ability to quickly and efficiently identify content to original to the student saves a teacher time, and affords a student to see why the content is not a sufficient demonstration of his or her thoughts. Still, these kinds of tools must be used within reason. Even if a student appropriately cites sources within quotation marks, present plagiarism software often misses this appropriate usage. Further, history is a field for which there are few absolute right and wrong answers. It is a “social science” which involves both objectivity and subjectivity. Present assessment tools lack the sophistication to make these nuanced judgments; which requires that and actual person still be involved in the process.

    Students, however, face additional challenges of access to and proficiency with technology, if for example, word-processed assignments are required of them. Students who have frequent use of computers and the internet outside of the schoolhouse, enjoy an advantage that their other counterparts don’t

  16. I believe using technological assessment tools for my 3rd grade unit will be curtailed due to the following reasons.
    Since my unit is about operations in base 10 which predominantly has to do with physical manipulative to aid in students comprehension, most technology assessment tools like applications, webpages, videos etc. are usually visual in nature. In order for students to fully understand operation in base 10, physical blocks, Legos or manipulative are ideal in teaching and assessing my unit.
    In addition, it’s difficult to assess students formatively if you want to ascertain their knowledge in how to use manipulative. Most technological assessment tools require students to visualize in blocks of tens or units and provide their answers as the see it. It’s imperative to know that in assessing students’ knowledge in base 10, their ability to physically manipulative objects rather clicking the right answers is helpful in the formative assessment process.
    In relation to stakeholders, some parents are lacking basic understanding of how to use educational technology tools to aid their kids academically. I believe parents need some form of training in the basic use of some of these applications in order to effectively help their wards when they have an assignment or homework relating to technology.

  17. Technological assessment tools have a lot of benefits for students and educators but it also has some limitations.
    The limitations of using technological assessment tools includes the lack of experience between the different students. My unit deals with 2nd grade. No all of the students will have access to computers at home. With this is the limitation of access which is also in direct association with the parents. How can you give a formative assessment as a homework assignment on the computer if all the students do not have access? Teaching computer literacy along with netiquette is another issue that will affect administration as well as teachers and parents. Classroom management as well as computer management is now an issue the teacher and administration must deal with. This limits the teachers ability to teach as effectively without technology.

  18. Using technological assessment tools for my 3rd grade social studies unit would be limited as 1:1 technology may not be available in class. This could also present a problem for the stakeholders because outcomes may reflect poorly on the student if they are not accustomed to using technology outside of the available classroom resources. Outside of that, I do not feel that the assessment would be very limited because for every testing scenario, I can think of a way to incorporate technology. Since the students in my class would be m-learners using technology to assess may make them more comfortable during testing.

  19. The increasing popularity of computer technology, is essential for administrators to support and make sure that internet connectivity is properly running for teachers to use as a tool. One limitation that would cause problems in my lesson is that if students weren't able to connect to the internet. As part of my lesson I would have students create a Podcast where they would answer questions related to the lesson into a microphone and upload to the Internet for all to hear, so if the internet is not properly working that would cause limitations. Technology plays a major role in students learning. From e-mail to on-line classes, computers are definitely influential and can enhance the learning process in schools. All stakeholders in the educational community—students, families, teachers, administrators, policymakers, and the public must have an equal voice in the development, interpretation, and reporting of assessment information. Teachers have at stake their understandings of their students, their professional practice and knowledge, their perceptions of themselves as teachers, and the quality of their work life and standing in the community. Families clearly have an investment in their children’s learning, well-being, and educational future. The public invests money in education, in part as an investment in the future, and has a stake in maintaining the quality of that investment. To get the maximum benefit from technology, the best classrooms implement technology into the curriculum plans to develop students' higher order thinking skills, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning.
