Too many children enrolled in the Metro Nashville public school system do not enjoy the benefit of having a personal computer in their home. With that being said, it is absolutely vital to include technology education in the 6th grade curriculum to educate students of its proper use now with continued focus on further learning directed towards college and beyond. In my unit on “Technology In Culture,” I will utilize the computers in my school’s Media Center to provide learning opportunities with two communication applications. In the first, students will learn about netiquette and good e-communication skills via a structured and supervised, social networking application called Edmodo. The second, a creative communication application called Audacity, will push students to new creative heights as they demonstrate an understanding of new content in ways never imagined. Though it will be fun and exciting, this lesson will be challenging and push students to develop and defend opinions with facts while stretching the boundaries of their creativity. Learning objectives for this lesson include: 1- To demonstrate student’s collaborative work skills by contributing individually to a combined group effort. 2- To demonstrate responsible, social networking and netiquette skills in the use of Edmodo. 3- To demonstrate a proficiency in the manipulation of Audacity in order to create an exciting and informative presentation. 4- To demonstrate an understanding of the impact of technology upon the development and advancement of a culture. 5- To compare and contrast the technological contributions of a variety of different cultures while noting their over-arching contribution to global culture. After students have been assigned their Edmodo login ID’s, they will be sent objectives and instructions for this lesson via teacher posts to the site. Students will be asked to write a polite and professional reply to the teacher acknowledging the receipt of the instructions and their intentions on how they intend to act upon them. Replies using abbreviated “text speech,” improper grammar, slang, or incomplete thoughts will be sent back to the student for reflection, rewrite, and resubmission. Students will be encouraged (and required) to use Edmodo to communicate questions, feelings, and ideas about this project to their classmates. This portion of the lesson will teach netiquette, use of academic language, and precision in expressing themselves; skills that will carry them through life and serve them well.
The second phase of the Edmodo portion of the lesson will include: 1- Collaborative Learning Group topic assignments related to technology developed by various cultures. 2- Definition of the roles to be played in the group. Individual areas of responsibility include: Spokesperson, Recording Secretary, Researchers, Coders, and a Creative Director. 3- Student discussion time to advocate for the roles they would like to play in their group and why. The teacher will facilitate group discussion on this portion of the lesson and provide direction, course correction, and Scaffolding to each group in order to guide students to their own insights group decisions. The next phase of the lesson will be teacher-led instruction on the basic functions of Audacity. To learn to manipulate Audacity is a wonderfully challenging and rewarding experience and though rigorous, is appropriate for 6th grade students. After the Audacity lesson and some practice, it will be back to the Media Center to begin each group’s Collaborative Learning project, culminating in the creation of a 60-90 second Audacity presentation that will be posted to the Edmodo class site. After each student group completes the Audacity portion of the lesson, all will participate in a fun art activity whereby each group will decide upon a team name and design I.D. badges similar to those worn with a lanyard around the neck when attending a conference. The teacher will provide card stock, digital portraits, and lanyards for each student to create their own I.D.’s. The final phase of the lesson will be the presentation, analysis, and evaluation of each other’s work. Teams will choose numbers from 1-5 and will go to Edmodo to access the chosen teams Audacity presentation. They will then listen to another group’s presentation, analyze it as a group, and report to the class on: 1- How well the presentation they reviewed demonstrated the importance of the technology to the culture that was studied. 2- The impact of the technology upon the culture that invented it. 3- The contribution of the technology to mankind and impact upon global culture. 4- The structure, content, and creativity of the presentation including logical order of thoughts, detail, supporting facts, tone, and creativity,
• Audacity Activity - I will have students in groups of four create a Podcast that informed listeners about Energy. Students will be graded on content, creativity, and clarity of podcast.
• Eye-Jot Activity - Have students in groups of four create a model that explains the various types of energy – kinetic vs. potential. The students will show the model and explain the difference of each type of energy.
Both of these activities would accompany a rubric for students to follow. Each group project will utilize a specific communication application and aligns with state standards. Students will create a project that will be shared with the entire class; therefore, students will be provided various perspectives for the lesson. Overall these type of activities will create an interactive lesson for students to engage in content and exemplify their understanding of content as well.
2 communication activities for 3rd grade Cause and Effect...
Podcast - Students will be broken into pairs and create, with limited teacher assistance, a podcast telling a short story (no more than a minute) about cause and effect using pictures. Example: Picture of a balloon and a pin. Student could then say what happens when the pin is stuck in the balloon.Lastly, picture of a deflated, popped balloon. The Cause and the effect.
Eyejot - Students will individually create a PSA about Cause and Effect. The PSA should contain the definition of both words and key words that enable students to recognize cause and effect in sentences and stories. A rubric will be supplied for both activities to ensure that students meet the specified criteria.
These activities, along with lecture and other student-centered lessons on cause and effect will aid students in grasping the concept that every action has a reaction, whether positive or negative.
The two communication applications I prefer to use while introducing Equations and Expressions are Remind 101 and Edmodo.
Remind 101 This is an easy and simple way of introducing the topic by sending to parents and students text massages informing them to prepare for the topic of study. Equations and Expressions are unfamiliar to students at this stage. A text massage asking parents to allow students to assist in budgeting for a week can be used to introduce the topic. Student can take notes of the component of the budget and equate these components to the total expenditure thus creating equations.
Edmodo Studies indicate an increasing prevalence of students’ use of social media. Edmodo is an application that has been formatted to look like a face book page. It was created to connect students’ social media interest to classroom instruction. Students and teachers can chat and share ideas just like face-book friends. Introducing Equations and Expressions through a chat about numbers and letters may trigger students’ curiosity and expose them to the basic knowledge of Algebra. For instance, the class can create a shopping list and present it in numbers and letters to create an expression; through internet search; the class can estimate the cost of the items thus creating an Equation.
Since Equations and Expressions introduce Algebra to learners and Algebra is the back born of Mathematics thereafter, it is important to use a mode of instruction that will excite students, create curiosity, and engage students in the learning process. That is why I chose Edmodo
Both these applications are age appropriate for grade 7 students
The two communications applications that would facilitate my unit (number and operation in base 10) are Edmodo and an Eye jot massage.
Edmodo is an effective way to interact with my students in and out of class. In addition to that it will aide my unit by helping students create a page which will be dedicated to number and operations in base 10. Within this Edmodo page students can share concerns, ideas, and suggestions about the topic. The page will also include sample questions which I will post occasionally and students are expected to comment with answers to the questions. The page will also help students post answers to homework early enough before the due date, I believe this will help students get ahead of the class and help the teacher know which part of the topic needs re teaching.
In addition, students will need to create an eye jot messages in place of submitting their homework. Students will be required to explain in their eye jot message how the worked out their homework and what answers they came out with. Students who submitted their homework through an eye jot message will be awarded extra credit.
In addition to these communication applications, other effective applications I will employ to better enhance student’s comprehension of the topic. Since number and operations in base 10 is better understood using manipulative, different forms and styles of manipulative would be used in the course of teaching it.
The two communication applications which I would use for 4th grade in (my unit Cells) are Remind 101 and Eye jot.
Remind 101: It is a very easy way for teacher to communicate with parents in order to prepare their children before class. To explain, studying of cells might be difficult for 4th grade since they had never touched in the earlier grades. When I send the topic every week to parents to introduce just the grounded information to their children, and I explain the details later in class, we will together me and parents enhance the children’s learning much better, and make it much easier.
Eye jot: It is a beneficial application for early learners to interact with teacher when they have some difficulties or some questions, so they can simply just send an eye jot messages, and I will respond to them effectively. Not only that but also, I can recognize the most difficult part from their questions, so I would re- teach it again for all of them by a different way.
Both of the communication activities would encourage earlier learners to understand each lesson before class since they had a simple idea about it from parents , in class because they can share the information which they have with others , and after class when they have extra questions or misunderstanding.
The two communication applications which I would use for my 2nd grade class in my unit over the Food Chain would be Eye Jot and Remind 101.
I chose Eye jot because it is the perfect platform to interact and share information with my students as well as the parents back home using technology. Having an activity where the student goes home and finds pictures or actual examples of animals in their own made up food chain would be an Eye Jot activity I would use. The child would message me holding up their pictures and explaining the food chain with the right terminology. This is a creative way to help the student better understand interdependence. This could be used a performance assessment graded as a project or homework assignment.
Sorry I didn't post my second communications application. As stated before I would choose Eye Jot and Remind 101. Remind 101 is a safe way for teachers to communicate with parents and text students for free. Informing the child and the parent of the topic is how I will use the Remind 101. Most young children are intrigued with phones at that age way, so what better way to use the phone in an educational way? Sending instructions via text message is a great way the teacher knows both the student and parent understand what part of the lesson on food chains that they are on. It too is a great interaction application for the student teacher and parent.
The two communication applications I prefer to use while introducing Algebra for 6th graders are Edmodo and Remind101.
The world has become dependent on the pages of social networking. We find many of the students used such as Facebook .Edmodo Similar to Facebook It was created to connect students’ social media interest to classroom instruction.It helps the student in the creation of his own and also helps to create a creative and responsible in the management of this page. Also helps students in the exchange of ideas and proposals, to find solutions to some of the problems in algebra.The teacher can communicate with students outside the classroom and help them with their participation in the Homework. Introducing Equations and Expressions through a chat about numbers and letters may trigger students’ curiosity and expose them to the basic knowledge of Algebra. Make it easier for students refer to the information they need and ask the teacher or other students about algebra.
Of the most important reasons for the success of the students in the school is the communication between parents and the school and the follow-up to the student during the semester.This program an easy and simple way of introducing the topic by sending to parents and students text massages informing them to prepare for the topic of study and solving exercises with the students.
The two communication applications that would have instructional value to my 4th grade Multiplication unit are Edmodo and Remind 101. The communication application Edmodo would have instructional value to my unit in regards to assessments. I would utilize the Edmodo quiz builder to access students' learning during or after a unit of study. For example, I would create a five question multiple choice quiz and schedule it for delivery either at the beginning of class as a bell ringer or at the end of class as an exit ticket. Students would then log onto Edmodo from their devices and complete the quiz. After all quizzes have been submitted, I would review the answers with the students. Delivering quizzes on Edmodo provides students with instant feedback which further assist in their educational success as I am able to accommodate each of their educational needs. The communication application Remind 101 would have instructional value to my unit in regards to improving parental involvement. I would use the site to send homework assignments. reminders of tests, reminders for permission slips, and various other information of value to parents in reference to their child. A great deal of communication with parents and students is needed to ensure academic success and Remind 101 provides this opportunity. The tremendous benefit of this communication application is that it is absolutely free. Along with the ability to have the previously mentioned information sent to both parents and students via text message, information can be sent via email as well.
The two applications I would use are Remind 101 and EyeJot.
Utilizing young people’s natural fascination with the telephone communication, I’d use Remind 101 to communicate with students and their parents about assignments in and out of the classroom. I’d like to use this platform in particular to prod parents to participate in their child’s search for an HBCU that offers the major and program in which their child expresses an interest.
Eyejot is a wonderful platform for students to work on their presentation skills in a controlled environment. Students would be required to create a 5-minute video in which they introduce the HBCU of their choice. They would be required to talk about it’s history, offer demographics (where it is located, how large its student body is etc.) and describe the major and program they are interested in and why they chose that HBCU.
Both applications provide wonderful opportunities for students to work both independently and with their parents, utilizing critical-thinking skills to arrive at their own creative conclusions.
Celly and Spreaker are two communication applications that can be implemented in a 5th grade mathematical fraction unit.
Celly is an educational social network for instructors, students, and parents. To join the network students and parents must link their cell phones using the iOS or Android platform. Stakeholders are able to post questions or information for homework clarification to emergency notifications from administrators. The site is moderated by the instructor and facilitators to ensure that communication is appropriate and on-topic. Celly can be used to create study groups and discussion forums, communication between teachers and parents, and as a student response system, feedback, and notes. During the unit on fractions, I will utilize Celly for a project based learning activity. • Students will be divided into collaborative learning groups of 4/5 students per group. • Students will be responsible for creating a public Cell that can be used as a resource for teaching the manipulation of fractions to themselves and other students. • Each student must contribute to the their forum with written demonstration of key concepts as well as a pictorial example to accompany its written form. • Students must collaborate and agree upon a key example that best illustrates the concept of their given objective. •Students must present findings to other groups.
Spreaker: Is a podcasting service that allows individuals to create audio podcast. The app Spreaker allows students to be creative while sharing self-discovered best practices with their peers. Spreaker nurtures the development of collaboration amongst 21st century learners. Participants utilize the systematic use of sounds as a purpose of communication or expression. I will use this tool to for students to compound on their Celly demonstration. Students will create an audio version for the information gathered on unit topic in a unique creative way. Students will be able to reference this information from any technological medium.
The current technology standards calls for students to demonstrate creative thinking and construct knowledge on a technological platform. The International Society for Technology in Education wants students to understand technological concepts; use applications effectively, troubleshoot and problem solve through technical difficulties, and transfer knowledge of newly acquired techniques. Both communication tools consider the different learning styles, and effectively leverages auditory, visual, and kinesthetic approaches.
The two communication tools I would use for my first grade lesson on culture would be EyeJot and Remind 101. EyeJot would be a fun tool for students to use to interview their parents about their culture. They can ask questions and let their parents tell stories about culture that could then be shared with the class. Because my students are so young it is important the use of technology is supervised by a parent or teacher so incorporating the parents into this EyeJot is a good way to make sure the student is supervised while creating their video.
I would also incorporate Remind101 into my classroom. While most first graders (hopefully) don't have cell phones I think this is a great tool to use for communicating with parents. And although the students don't have cell phones to receive the messages parents can show their child a message from me about a homework reminder or classroom announcement. This method feels more personal to me then just sending home a letter.
The two communication applications that I would incorporate into my unit on Living and Nonliving things would be using Glogster and Wordle.
Wordle- Students will be using vocabulary words or key learning points that they have learned during the lesson to put into their wordle. To create the word cloud, students will paste text into the applet and then manipulate the visual display by selecting the color scheme, layout, and font. Word clouds can be used to highlight keywords and themes to stimulate students' thinking about the meaning, importance, and relationship of the words.
Glogster- Students will create a virtual poster about living and nonliving things. The students will access to design a poster with images and use their creativity to create the poster. Students will be working with a partner to further develop their understanding of the difference between living and nonliving things. The group will choose two living and two nonliving things and compare the similarities and differences between the two.
Both of these communication applications allow teachers to connect with their students in a fun and exciting way. Because technology and education goes hand and hand these sites are visually stimulating and allows for individual creativity and group based projects.
The two communication applications that I would use for my 5th grade conventions of Standard English unit are Edmodo and Remind 101.
Edmodo This application would have an instructional value in my unit. Edmodo has a great effect for the classroom and the unit. Teacher can communicate with students out of the classroom and students can share questions, ideas, and concern with the teacher and with other students. Also, the teacher can post some questions before the class and let the students answer it and then discuss the answer with them. Also, posting the homework and the quizzes.
Remind 101 By using this application the parents can communicate with teacher in easy way. Teacher can send homework, reminders of tests, and let the parents know if there any changing of homework or tests.
The first communication application I would incorporate in my unit is Vocaroo. I'm excited to use this as a means to have students practice saying their presentations, and then listening to them to see how the students sound. Since it has a save and share feature, I plan to use it during the presentations to capture all the oral information provided. Then I will share the presentations with the students on my second communication tool: Edmodo. In addition, to sharing the sound clips, I would create a calendar on Edmodo so students can follow along with due dates. Moreover, I'll also use Edmodo to allow students to turn in the written portion of their state presentations. These communication applications are recommended for my third grade students unit on political map features.
In my first grade literacy class, we are studying key ideas and details. I would use Audacity in the classroom as a way for the students to retell a story they have previously read. During this recording, they will briefly retell the story, including the main idea and the supporting details of the story. They would be able to email me their audio for a comprehension assessment. A second communication tool I would use in the classroom is Wordle. The students could list the main idea and several key details and make fun visual aids to hang in the classroom. This activity would allow them to use their creativity to manipulate the words into a design they would like to display.
The two communication applications that I would add as instructional aides to my unit on Tennessee History are Eye-jot and Remind 101.
Students can use Eye-jot as a platform for group presentations. Each group will be designated a chapter to summarize. I will provide a series of questions for them to answer as a way to guide the gathering of main ideas and concepts. The Eye-jots may be viewed in class as an aide in preparing for Assessments. All Eye-jots will be previewed by me, to check for accuracy, before presenting to the class. Remind 101 can be used to notify parents and students of upcoming Social Studies assessments, projects/presentations etc. This means of communication can be beneficial in keeping parents informed and involved with their child's progression in the class, by offering messages directly from the teacher as opposed to relying solely on the student.
Technology In Culture, Part 1 of 2
ReplyDeleteToo many children enrolled in the Metro Nashville public school system do not enjoy the benefit of having a personal computer in their home. With that being said, it is absolutely vital to include technology education in the 6th grade curriculum to educate students of its proper use now with continued focus on further learning directed towards college and beyond.
In my unit on “Technology In Culture,” I will utilize the computers in my school’s Media Center to provide learning opportunities with two communication applications. In the first, students will learn about netiquette and good e-communication skills via a structured and supervised, social networking application called Edmodo. The second, a creative communication application called Audacity, will push students to new creative heights as they demonstrate an understanding of new content in ways never imagined.
Though it will be fun and exciting, this lesson will be challenging and push students to develop and defend opinions with facts while stretching the boundaries of their creativity. Learning objectives for this lesson include:
1- To demonstrate student’s collaborative work skills by contributing
individually to a combined group effort.
2- To demonstrate responsible, social networking and netiquette skills in
the use of Edmodo.
3- To demonstrate a proficiency in the manipulation of Audacity in order
to create an exciting and informative presentation.
4- To demonstrate an understanding of the impact of technology upon
the development and advancement of a culture.
5- To compare and contrast the technological contributions of a variety of
different cultures while noting their over-arching contribution to global
After students have been assigned their Edmodo login ID’s, they will be sent objectives and instructions for this lesson via teacher posts to the site. Students will be asked to write a polite and professional reply to the teacher acknowledging the receipt of the instructions and their intentions on how they intend to act upon them. Replies using abbreviated “text speech,” improper grammar, slang, or incomplete thoughts will be sent back to the student for reflection, rewrite, and resubmission. Students will be encouraged (and required) to use Edmodo to communicate questions, feelings, and ideas about this project to their classmates. This portion of the lesson will teach netiquette, use of academic language, and precision in expressing themselves; skills that will carry them through life and serve them well.
Technology In Culture, Part 2 of 2
ReplyDeleteThe second phase of the Edmodo portion of the lesson will include:
1- Collaborative Learning Group topic assignments related to technology developed by various cultures.
2- Definition of the roles to be played in the group. Individual areas of responsibility include: Spokesperson, Recording Secretary, Researchers, Coders, and a Creative Director.
3- Student discussion time to advocate for the roles they would like to play in their group and why.
The teacher will facilitate group discussion on this portion of the lesson and provide direction, course correction, and Scaffolding to each group in order to guide students to their own insights group decisions.
The next phase of the lesson will be teacher-led instruction on the basic functions of Audacity. To learn to manipulate Audacity is a wonderfully challenging and rewarding experience and though rigorous, is appropriate for 6th grade students. After the Audacity lesson and some practice, it will be back to the Media Center to begin each group’s Collaborative Learning project, culminating in the creation of a 60-90 second Audacity presentation that will be posted to the Edmodo class site.
After each student group completes the Audacity portion of the lesson, all will participate in a fun art activity whereby each group will decide upon a team name and design I.D. badges similar to those worn with a lanyard around the neck when attending a conference. The teacher will provide card stock, digital portraits, and lanyards for each student to create their own I.D.’s.
The final phase of the lesson will be the presentation, analysis, and evaluation of each other’s work. Teams will choose numbers from 1-5 and will go to Edmodo to access the chosen teams Audacity presentation. They will then listen to another group’s presentation, analyze it as a group, and report to the class on:
1- How well the presentation they reviewed demonstrated the importance of the technology to the culture that was studied.
2- The impact of the technology upon the culture that invented it.
3- The contribution of the technology to mankind and impact upon global culture.
4- The structure, content, and creativity of the presentation including logical order of thoughts, detail, supporting facts, tone, and creativity,
I just realized that I could include a rubric to be distributed to each student for the student review of one another's presentations.
ReplyDelete• Audacity Activity - I will have students in groups of four create a Podcast that informed listeners about Energy. Students will be graded on content, creativity, and clarity of podcast.
ReplyDelete• Eye-Jot Activity - Have students in groups of four create a model that explains the various types of energy – kinetic vs. potential. The students will show the model and explain the difference of each type of energy.
Both of these activities would accompany a rubric for students to follow. Each group project will utilize a specific communication application and aligns with state standards. Students will create a project that will be shared with the entire class; therefore, students will be provided various perspectives for the lesson. Overall these type of activities will create an interactive lesson for students to engage in content and exemplify their understanding of content as well.
Reem Halasa
2 communication activities for 3rd grade Cause and Effect...
ReplyDeletePodcast - Students will be broken into pairs and create, with limited teacher assistance, a podcast telling a short story (no more than a minute) about cause and effect using pictures. Example: Picture of a balloon and a pin. Student could then say what happens when the pin is stuck in the balloon.Lastly, picture of a deflated, popped balloon. The Cause and the effect.
Eyejot - Students will individually create a PSA about Cause and Effect. The PSA should contain the definition of both words and key words that enable students to recognize cause and effect in sentences and stories. A rubric will be supplied for both activities to ensure that students meet the specified criteria.
These activities, along with lecture and other student-centered lessons on cause and effect will aid students in grasping the concept that every action has a reaction, whether positive or negative.
What is a PSA?
DeletePSA = public service announcement
DeleteThe two communication applications I prefer to use while introducing Equations and Expressions are Remind 101 and Edmodo.
ReplyDeleteRemind 101
This is an easy and simple way of introducing the topic by sending to parents and students text massages informing them to prepare for the topic of study. Equations and Expressions are unfamiliar to students at this stage. A text massage asking parents to allow students to assist in budgeting for a week can be used to introduce the topic. Student can take notes of the component of the budget and equate these components to the total expenditure thus creating equations.
Studies indicate an increasing prevalence of students’ use of social media. Edmodo is an application that has been formatted to look like a face book page. It was created to connect students’ social media interest to classroom instruction. Students and teachers can chat and share ideas just like face-book friends. Introducing Equations and Expressions through a chat about numbers and letters may trigger students’ curiosity and expose them to the basic knowledge of Algebra. For instance, the class can create a shopping list and present it in numbers and letters to create an expression; through internet search; the class can estimate the cost of the items thus creating an Equation.
Since Equations and Expressions introduce Algebra to learners and Algebra is the back born of Mathematics thereafter, it is important to use a mode of instruction that will excite students, create curiosity, and engage students in the learning process. That is why I chose Edmodo
Both these applications are age appropriate for grade 7 students
We use the same subject is algebra. It may be the most difficult topics in mathematics. So we try to use programs that assist in facilitating algebra.
DeleteThe two communications applications that would facilitate my unit (number and operation in base 10) are Edmodo and an Eye jot massage.
ReplyDeleteEdmodo is an effective way to interact with my students in and out of class. In addition to that it will aide my unit by helping students create a page which will be dedicated to number and operations in base 10. Within this Edmodo page students can share concerns, ideas, and suggestions about the topic. The page will also include sample questions which I will post occasionally and students are expected to comment with answers to the questions. The page will also help students post answers to homework early enough before the due date, I believe this will help students get ahead of the class and help the teacher know which part of the topic needs re teaching.
In addition, students will need to create an eye jot messages in place of submitting their homework. Students will be required to explain in their eye jot message how the worked out their homework and what answers they came out with. Students who submitted their homework through an eye jot message will be awarded extra credit.
In addition to these communication applications, other effective applications I will employ to better enhance student’s comprehension of the topic. Since number and operations in base 10 is better understood using manipulative, different forms and styles of manipulative would be used in the course of teaching it.
I agree with you on this programe Edmodo. In this era we need to attract the attention of students and try to make learning fun and likable to them.
DeleteThe two communication applications which I would use for 4th grade in (my unit Cells) are Remind 101 and Eye jot.
ReplyDelete Remind 101: It is a very easy way for teacher to communicate with parents in order to prepare their children before class. To explain, studying of cells might be difficult for 4th grade since they had never touched in the earlier grades. When I send the topic every week to parents to introduce just the grounded information to their children, and I explain the details later in class, we will together me and parents enhance the children’s learning much better, and make it much easier.
Eye jot: It is a beneficial application for early learners to interact with teacher when they have some difficulties or some questions, so they can simply just send an eye jot messages, and I will respond to them effectively. Not only that but also, I can recognize the most difficult part from their questions, so I would re- teach it again for all of them by a different way.
Both of the communication activities would encourage earlier learners to understand each lesson before class since they had a simple idea about it from parents , in class because they can share the information which they have with others , and after class when they have extra questions or misunderstanding.
The two communication applications which I would use for my 2nd grade class in my unit over the Food Chain would be Eye Jot and Remind 101.
ReplyDeleteI chose Eye jot because it is the perfect platform to interact and share information with my students as well as the parents back home using technology. Having an activity where the student goes home and finds pictures or actual examples of animals in their own made up food chain would be an Eye Jot activity I would use. The child would message me holding up their pictures and explaining the food chain with the right terminology. This is a creative way to help the student better understand interdependence. This could be used a performance assessment graded as a project or homework assignment.
Sorry I didn't post my second communications application. As stated before I would choose Eye Jot and Remind 101.
ReplyDeleteRemind 101 is a safe way for teachers to communicate with parents and text students for free. Informing the child and the parent of the topic is how I will use the Remind 101. Most young children are intrigued with phones at that age way, so what better way to use the phone in an educational way? Sending instructions via text message is a great way the teacher knows both the student and parent understand what part of the lesson on food chains that they are on. It too is a great interaction application for the student teacher and parent.
The two communication applications I prefer to use while introducing Algebra for 6th graders are Edmodo and Remind101.
ReplyDeleteThe world has become dependent on the pages of social networking. We find many of the students used such as Facebook .Edmodo Similar to Facebook It was created to connect students’ social media interest to classroom instruction.It helps the student in the creation of his own and also helps to create a creative and responsible in the management of this page. Also helps students in the exchange of ideas and proposals, to find solutions to some of the problems in algebra.The teacher can communicate with students outside the classroom and help them with their participation in the Homework. Introducing Equations and Expressions through a chat about numbers and letters may trigger students’ curiosity and expose them to the basic knowledge of Algebra. Make it easier for students refer to the information they need and ask the teacher or other students about algebra.
Of the most important reasons for the success of the students in the school is the communication between parents and the school and the follow-up to the student during the semester.This program an easy and simple way of introducing the topic by sending to parents and students text massages informing them to prepare for the topic of study and solving exercises with the students.
The two communication applications that would have instructional value to my 4th grade Multiplication unit are Edmodo and Remind 101.
ReplyDeleteThe communication application Edmodo would have instructional value to my unit in regards to assessments. I would utilize the Edmodo quiz builder to access students' learning during or after a unit of study. For example, I would create a five question multiple choice quiz and schedule it for delivery either at the beginning of class as a bell ringer or at the end of class as an exit ticket. Students would then log onto Edmodo from their devices and complete the quiz. After all quizzes have been submitted, I would review the answers with the students. Delivering quizzes on Edmodo provides students with instant feedback which further assist in their educational success as I am able to accommodate each of their educational needs.
The communication application Remind 101 would have instructional value to my unit in regards to improving parental involvement. I would use the site to send homework assignments. reminders of tests, reminders for permission slips, and various other information of value to parents in reference to their child. A great deal of communication with parents and students is needed to ensure academic success and Remind 101 provides this opportunity. The tremendous benefit of this communication application is that it is absolutely free. Along with the ability to have the previously mentioned information sent to both parents and students via text message, information can be sent via email as well.
The two applications I would use are Remind 101 and EyeJot.
ReplyDeleteUtilizing young people’s natural fascination with the telephone communication, I’d use Remind 101 to communicate with students and their parents about assignments in and out of the classroom. I’d like to use this platform in particular to prod parents to participate in their child’s search for an HBCU that offers the major and program in which their child expresses an interest.
Eyejot is a wonderful platform for students to work on their presentation skills in a controlled environment. Students would be required to create a 5-minute video in which they introduce the HBCU of their choice. They would be required to talk about it’s history, offer demographics (where it is located, how large its student body is etc.) and describe the major and program they are interested in and why they chose that HBCU.
Both applications provide wonderful opportunities for students to work both independently and with their parents, utilizing critical-thinking skills to arrive at their own creative conclusions.
Celly and Spreaker are two communication applications that can be implemented in a 5th grade mathematical fraction unit.
ReplyDeleteCelly is an educational social network for instructors, students, and parents. To join the network students and parents must link their cell phones using the iOS or Android platform. Stakeholders are able to post questions or information for homework clarification to emergency notifications from administrators. The site is moderated by the instructor and facilitators to ensure that communication is appropriate and on-topic. Celly can be used to create study groups and discussion forums, communication between teachers and parents, and as a student response system, feedback, and notes. During the unit on fractions, I will utilize Celly for a project based learning activity.
• Students will be divided into collaborative learning groups of 4/5 students per group.
• Students will be responsible for creating a public Cell that can be used as a resource for teaching the manipulation of fractions to themselves and other students.
• Each student must contribute to the their forum with written demonstration of key concepts as well as a pictorial example to accompany its written form.
• Students must collaborate and agree upon a key example that best illustrates the concept of their given objective.
•Students must present findings to other groups.
Spreaker: Is a podcasting service that allows individuals to create audio podcast.
The app Spreaker allows students to be creative while sharing self-discovered best practices with their peers. Spreaker nurtures the development of collaboration amongst 21st century learners. Participants utilize the systematic use of sounds as a purpose of communication or expression. I will use this tool to for students to compound on their Celly demonstration. Students will create an audio version for the information gathered on unit topic in a unique creative way. Students will be able to reference this information from any technological medium.
The current technology standards calls for students to
demonstrate creative thinking and construct knowledge on a technological platform. The International Society for Technology in Education wants students to understand technological concepts; use applications effectively, troubleshoot and problem solve through technical difficulties, and transfer knowledge of newly acquired techniques. Both communication tools consider the different learning styles, and effectively leverages auditory, visual, and kinesthetic approaches.
The two communication tools I would use for my first grade lesson on culture would be EyeJot and Remind 101. EyeJot would be a fun tool for students to use to interview their parents about their culture. They can ask questions and let their parents tell stories about culture that could then be shared with the class. Because my students are so young it is important the use of technology is supervised by a parent or teacher so incorporating the parents into this EyeJot is a good way to make sure the student is supervised while creating their video.
ReplyDeleteI would also incorporate Remind101 into my classroom. While most first graders (hopefully) don't have cell phones I think this is a great tool to use for communicating with parents. And although the students don't have cell phones to receive the messages parents can show their child a message from me about a homework reminder or classroom announcement. This method feels more personal to me then just sending home a letter.
The two communication applications that I would incorporate into my unit on Living and Nonliving things would be using Glogster and Wordle.
ReplyDeleteWordle- Students will be using vocabulary words or key learning points that they have learned during the lesson to put into their wordle. To create the word cloud, students will paste text into the applet and then manipulate the visual display by selecting the color scheme, layout, and font. Word clouds can be used to highlight keywords and themes to stimulate students' thinking about the meaning, importance, and relationship of the words.
Glogster- Students will create a virtual poster about living and nonliving things. The students will access to design a poster with images and use their creativity to create the poster. Students will be working with a partner to further develop their understanding of the difference between living and nonliving things. The group will choose two living and two nonliving things and compare the similarities and differences between the two.
Both of these communication applications allow teachers to connect with their students in a fun and exciting way. Because technology and education goes hand and hand these sites are visually stimulating and allows for individual creativity and group based projects.
The two communication applications that I would use for my 5th grade conventions of Standard English unit are Edmodo and Remind 101.
This application would have an instructional value in my unit. Edmodo has a great effect for the classroom and the unit. Teacher can communicate with students out of the classroom and students can share questions, ideas, and concern with the teacher and with other students. Also, the teacher can post some questions before the class and let the students answer it and then discuss the answer with them. Also, posting the homework and the quizzes.
Remind 101
By using this application the parents can communicate with teacher in easy way. Teacher can send homework, reminders of tests, and let the parents know if there any changing of homework or tests.
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DeleteThe first communication application I would incorporate in my unit is Vocaroo. I'm excited to use this as a means to have students practice saying their presentations, and then listening to them to see how the students sound. Since it has a save and share feature, I plan to use it during the presentations to capture all the oral information provided. Then I will share the presentations with the students on my second communication tool: Edmodo. In addition, to sharing the sound clips, I would create a calendar on Edmodo so students can follow along with due dates. Moreover, I'll also use Edmodo to allow students to turn in the written portion of their state presentations. These communication applications are recommended for my third grade students unit on political map features.
ReplyDeleteIn my first grade literacy class, we are studying key ideas and details. I would use Audacity in the classroom as a way for the students to retell a story they have previously read. During this recording, they will briefly retell the story, including the main idea and the supporting details of the story. They would be able to email me their audio for a comprehension assessment.
ReplyDeleteA second communication tool I would use in the classroom is Wordle. The students could list the main idea and several key details and make fun visual aids to hang in the classroom. This activity would allow them to use their creativity to manipulate the words into a design they would like to display.
The two communication applications that I would add as instructional aides to my unit on Tennessee History are Eye-jot and Remind 101.
ReplyDeleteStudents can use Eye-jot as a platform for group presentations. Each group will be designated a chapter to summarize. I will provide a series of questions for them to answer as a way to guide the gathering of main ideas and concepts. The Eye-jots may be viewed in class as an aide in preparing for Assessments. All Eye-jots will be previewed by me, to check for accuracy, before presenting to the class.
Remind 101 can be used to notify parents and students of upcoming Social Studies assessments, projects/presentations etc. This means of communication can be beneficial in keeping parents informed and involved with their child's progression in the class, by offering messages directly from the teacher as opposed to relying solely on the student.